Tools to get better organized at work

Les outils pour mieux s’organiser au travail

The start of the school year is often an opportunity to establish habits and experiment with new working methods, especially if you have a new job or have switched to teleworking. So, how can you review your organization, optimize your working time or manage your schedule? We've rounded up tips to make your return to the office a success.


Have you been working from home for a while but haven't yet had time to sit anywhere other than your dining room table? It's not too late to make good resolutions and start setting up a dedicated workspace. If it is not possible to dedicate a room to your office, opt for a table that will be entirely dedicated to your professional projects (and adapted to the size of your home, of course). You can also optimize the organization of your working day by listing its different stages, starting with the times of your relaxation times or your lunch break, to be sure not to deviate from them.


Recovery is always an opportunity to renew your stock of supplies. In addition to the essential diary, why not focus on other practical tools? This meeting notebook , which also exists in an elegant navy blue version , is specially designed to facilitate note-taking and will allow you to easily take notes during your meetings, list your objectives and the actions to take to achieve them , or to annotate the different steps necessary to bring a new project to fruition. Another option is this ephemeris to record your daily tasks in one place. As for these multi-colored sticky notes , they will help you highlight your essential tasks and keep them in mind: all you have to do is put them on your computer screen or above your desk...


Whether you are teleworking or in person, keeping a to-do list is essential to successfully carrying out your daily obligations. Appointments, meetings, presentations, colleagues or clients to call... All these essential tasks can be recorded on a notepad with detachable pages (in striped or colored version ), or in an elegant notebook which can also collect notes during the meetings…



If the summer holidays are over, it's a safe bet that the year will be punctuated by moments of breaks and other green escapades... There's nothing like staying motivated than listing the big upcoming events on a wall calendar — with a very Parisian version or a model that invites you to escape .