8 page ideas to fill your Bullet Journal

Have you decided to start Bullet Journaling? Alright ! But you may be suffering from blank page anxiety when you have absolutely no aspirations of becoming a writer.

To help you better organize yourself and better manage your priorities each day (or week or month), you need to choose what types of pages you want to integrate into your Bullet Journal . Here we offer you 8 page ideas to fill your Bullet Journal and get off to a good start.

Annual organization of a Bullet Journal

In order to organize yourself over the long term , some pages can cover an entire year of organization. Here are some ideas for pages you could include in your Bullet Journal.

The keys

It's a bit like your personalized code , you generally place it at the very beginning of your Bullet Journal for easy reference. Symbols, colors, ... everything is in the visual memory to designate emergencies, priority tasks, etc.


  • For a task to be done, you can precede the task with a circle;
  • As soon as this task is completed, you can color this circle;
  • If you are unable to complete this task during the day, a small arrow may indicate that you have postponed it to your schedule for the next day.

Be creative! But, if you don't feel like inventing your code alone, take a look at Pinterest.

The annual calendar

To have a vision for the year to come. You can indicate various important dates such as birthdays for example, or your vacations .

Goals and good resolutions

It's very easy to forget all about your good resolutions two weeks after the New Year. This is why writing down your goals and what you really want to achieve over the year is the first step to their success. Being able to refer to it regularly to write down your monthly and daily tasks is a major asset!

It's a good start for prioritizing your priorities as well: wouldn't quitting smoking be a priority over learning three lines of poetry a day?

Interest pages

Activities you would like to do, films you would like to see, places you would like to visit, ... the Bullet Journal is a tool for living a full life that suits us.

Filling out pages with interests will help you avoid falling into the classic pattern of “I would really like to do [insert an activity of your choice here]” that you will forget until the next time you are asked about it.

Monthly organization

After seeing the long term, you can create pages at the start of each month to further clarify your organization.

The monthly schedule

It's a bit like replacing your diary to indicate your outings, your appointments, your imperatives, etc. It will be more precise than the annual calendar.

Habit trackers

Without doubt one of the most used pages and one of the most useful!


  • Have you decided to get back into sport? Indicate all the times you have exercised in your tracker;
  • Want to try eating healthier? Write down the days you went to eat at a fast food restaurant and try to write down as few of them as possible.

This is a page that will be your best ally if you want to achieve your goals ! Some examples again on your new best friend Pinterest.

Follow your budget

It is not very systematic today to manage your money precisely. Although some smartphone banking applications can do this these days, it is nevertheless a page that will help you manage your monthly budget , the limits not to be exceeded, your spending objectives, etc.

Heart of your Bullet Journal organization: tasks

Here we get to the heart of your entire Bullet Journal organization: tasks. Whether weekly or daily, you will be able to fill in over the pages a sort of improved and tidy version of to-do lists .

No more post-its and loose sheets to plan your day: you indicate each of the tasks you want to carry out in your day or in your week, working day included or not.

Here we will find an essential issue in the idea of ​​managing one's time effectively: determining one's priorities . It is very tempting to carry out an unimportant task (mopping the living room) rather than this not very attractive task which will bring you closer to your objectives: you have to know how to say no to the temptation of certain tasks which are there only for To ease your conscience by checking one more box, that's not knowing how to manage your time!

There are endless page ideas that have been implemented in the Bullet Journals of thousands of people around the world. Take inspiration from this to find the best possible organization that suits you!